Our goal is to make a significant contribution to the development of knowledge and methodological tools in all fields of the life sciences, while advancing interdisciplinary collaborations with leading researchers in Israel and around the world.
Our scientific work combines basic research with practical aspects in the fields of biomedicine, biotechnology and agriculture. We focus on a variety of processes and mechanisms, while integrating the various organizational levels of the flora and fauna in our world.
We strive to expose our students to the thrill of scientific work in various fields of life sciences and their impact on every-day life. We aim to augment our students' critical and creative thinking skills, and let them experiment with advanced data collection and processing methods crucial to cutting-edge scientific research.
Contribution to the Community
We aim to familiarize different populations in Israel (young people, teachers, decision-makers, etc.) with scientific research and scientific thinking in general, and to emphasize the critical significance of life sciences research to the modern world.