Research Innovations





Professor Nissim Benvenisty The price of being naive - Prof. Nissim Benvenisty
Prof. Michal Linial Prof. Michal Linial - can Alzheimer's disease be slowed down?
Dr. Tsevi Beatus Measuring pupil size and light response through closed eyelids
Dr. Amnon Buxboim Measuring pupil size and light response through closed eyelids
Prof. Eduardo Mitrani A biological device based on stem cells encourages the formation of new blood vessels, and will help treat diabetics and patients in need of catheterization.
Prof. Marshall Devor Anesthesia activates unique populations of neurons throughout the brains of mice
Dr. Yonatan Tzur Dr. Tzur - bisection of the X chromosome disrupts the initiation of chromosome silencing during meiosis
Prof. Batsheva Kerem Prof. Batsheva Kerem has developed a new drug for the treatment of cystic fibrosis patients
Prof. Etana Padan Prof. Padan presents new insights into the activity and importance of the carrier NhaA
Prof. Michal Linial A Unique SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein P681H Variant Detected in Israel
Prof. Ariel Darvasi Identification of new genes involved in schizophrenia - the fulfillment of Prof. Ariel Darvsi's scientific vision
Prof. Idan Segev Maximally efficient prediction in the early fly visual system may support evasive flight maneuvers
Dr. Eitan Lerner Structural heterogeneity of alpha-synuclein protein - a target site for the development of a new generation of Parkinson's drugs
Dr. Ami Citri How does cocaine exploit cerebral plasticity and direct it to create compulsive drug-seeking behavior?
Prof. Shimshon Belkin Monitoring bioactive components in wastewater and landfill leachates
Dr. Oren Ram Dr. Oren Ram - DNA methylation patterns expose variations in enhancer-chromatin modifications during embryonic stem cell differentiation
Dr. Tamar Avin Wittenberg Dr. Tamar Avin-Wittenberg - The importance of autophagy under stress conditions
Dr. Gili Greenbaum Designing gene drives to limit spillover to non-target populations
Prof. Eran Meshorer Transcriptional regulation imbalance is present at very early developmental stages of neurodegenerative diseases
Dr. Nir Kalisman Deciphering the architectures of Nsp1, Nsp2, and Nucleocapsid proteins from SARS-CoV-2
Professor Nahmias Yaakov Prof. Nahmias chips away at nephrotoxicity


Prof. Sagiv Shifman Are Autism Drugs on the Horizon?
Prof. Emeritus Yosef Yarom Are Autism Drugs on the Horizon?
Prof. Shimon Schuldiner Prof. Schuldiner shows that acidic cytoplasm is related to antibiotic resistance
Professor Nissim Benvenisty Prof. Nissim Benvenisty presents a genetic atlas for early human development
Prof. Batsheva Kerem Prof. Kerem mapped fragile sites related to oncogenic transformation in the human genome
Professor Nahmias Yaakov Prof Nahmias mapped the SARS-CoV-2 transcriptional metabolic signature in lung epithelium and revealed new therapeutic directions
Prof/ Hermona Soreq Prof. Soreq shows that cholinergic stress signals accompany microRNA-associated stereotypic behavior and glutamatergic neuro modulation in the prefrontal cortex
Dr. Netanel  Tzarum Dr. Tzarum - development of a vaccine against hepatitis C virus
Dr. Ami Citri Prof. Ami Citri presents the connection between attention, memory and drug addiction
Prof. Daphne Atlas Prof. Atlas explains how can a single mutation in the voltage gated calcium channel induce autism
Prof. Ran Nathan Prof Ran Nathan revealed cognitive map–based navigation in wild bats
Prof/ Hermona Soreq Prof. Soreq & Dr. Meydan - mechanisms behind neural disease associated with diabetes
Prof. Ran Nathan Prof. nathan - movement ecology and sex are linked to barn owl microbial community composition
Prof. Liran Carmel Prof. Liran Carmel determined the genomic history of the bronze age southern levant
Prof. Joseph Hirschberg A new strain of tomatoes serving as a source of antioxidant ziaxanthin was developed in Prof. Hirschberg's lab
Dr. Eitan Lerner Dr. Eitan Lerner presents the flow virometer for rapid detection of Corona virus
Prof. Ioav  Cabantchik Prof. Cabantchik - the ironic role of diagnostic tests in saving humans in times of plague
Prof/ Hermona Soreq Prof. Soreq - cholino-ncRNAs modulate sex-specific- and age-related acetylcholine signals.
Dr. Uri Gat Dr. Uri Gat - from Nematostella to cancer research
Dr. Mickey London London, Soreq & Mizraci - Barrel cortex VIP/ChAT interneurons suppress sensory responses in vivo
Dr. Dror Hawlena Prof Dror Hawlena - can odors affect risk assessment
Prof. Michal Linial Prof. Linial, Dr. Schneidman and Dr. Brielle show that the SARS-CoV-2 exerts a distinctive strategy for interacting with the ACE2 human receptor
Prof. David Engelberg Prof. David Engelberg shows that mutations in ERK induce tumor formation in drosophila's eyes
Prof. Ariel Chipman Prof. Ariel Chipman studies gene content evolution in the Arthropods
Prof. Michal Goldberg Prof. Michal Goldberg presents a new mapping of genes controlling cancer cells development
Prof. Julia Shifman,  photo credits: Sharon Gabai, ICRF Prof. Julia Shifman and Dr. Michael Heyne reveal how mutations affect interactions between proteins, leading to diseases.


Prof. Marshall Devor Prof. Marshall Devor suggests a new mechanism underlying general anaesthesia
Prof. Shimshon Belkin Prof. Belkin presents a smartphone-based whole-cell array sensor for detection of antibiotics in milk
Dr. Dror Hawlena Prof. Hawlena and Mr. Sagi present - the desert isopod : the cleanliness trustee of the Negev
Prof. Michal Linial Prof. Michal Linial presents a cell-based probabilistic approach to unveil the concerted action of miRNAs.
Prof. Liran Carmel A paer by prof. Liran Carmel one of Science 12 options for breakthrough of the year
Dr. Oren Kolodny Dr. Oren Kolodny explains why did Moderns replace Neanderthals and not vice versa, and what took them so long
Prof. Sagiv Shifman Prof. Sagiv Shifman and Ms. Shahar Shohet - genes essential for embryonic stem cells are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders
Prof/ Hermona Soreq Prof. Hermona Soreq reveals sex-related differences in patho-mechanisms related to bipolar disorder and schizophrenia
Prof. Guy Bloch Prof. Guy Bloch reveals: bumble bee workers sleep less while caring for young
Prof. Liran Carmel Prof. Liran Carmel uses ancient DNA to put a face on the mysterious Denisovans
Dr. Itamar Harel Dr. Itamar Harel talks about models of vertebrate aging and age-related diseases
Professor Nissim Benvenisty Prof. Bebvenisty uses stem cells to elucidate the genetic need for parents from both sexes
Ms. Shiran Bar Prof. Nissim Benvenisty and Ms. Shiran Bar study chromosome X silencing in human stem cells
Dr. Alon Zaslaver Dr. Zaslaver and Dr. Eliezer reveal: worms suffer from PTSD too
Dr. Yonatan Tzur The biological clock of fertility - Dr. Yonatan Tzur tries to set it
Prof. Sagiv Shifman How do mutations in the same gene lead to diverse brain disorders - Prof. Sagiv Shifman
Prof. Guy Bloch How to make different bees from similar genomes - Prof. Guy Bloch explains
Professor Nissim Benvenisty Autism, mental retardation and chromosome X - a study led by Prof. Nissim Benvenisty and Mr. Dan Vershkov
Prof. Michal Goldberg Prof. Michal Goldberg has identified a drug that reduces cancerous tumors and also kills cancer stem cells




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