ZBM - Work Protocols

1. New users

New users should register with the facility's director Dr. Rachel Rosen.

This registration process includes:

  • Authorization of physical access to the facility using a fingerprint.
  • Authorization to use the computerized reservation system to book devices in advance.
  • Instructions for using the reservation system.

The preliminary stage of registration is obligatory.

2. Reserving devices

  • Reserving each of the devices in the facility should be made in advance, using the on-line reservation system.
  • Users must fill in all fields and describe in detail the contents of the samples (e.g. samples containing risk factors such as pathogenic or radioactive substances).
  • Cancellations must be registered as soon as possible using the on-line reservation system, in order to allow other users to use the device. A user who fails to cancel a reservation will be charged as if the device was used.

3. Work in the facility:

  • A user who is about to use a device for the first time should first receive instruction by Dr. Rachel Rosen.
  • In no way should the device be operated for the first time without guidance. Improper use may result in a safety problem and / or damage to the device.
  • Follow the safety instructions (see adjacent tab).
  • In the event of a malfunction while operating the device, immediately contact the facility's staff.
  • Each user must bring the equipment necessary for his work: plates, test tubes, optical cells, pipettes, tips, etc.
  • After finishing the job, clean the device components and the entire work area. Do not leave waste or samples on or around the device.
  • If any materials have spilled, they should be cleaned immediately, treated according to the safety rules, and reported to the facility's staff.