The 23rd Jerusalem School in Life Sciences - Computational and Structural Biology, The Institute of Advanced Studies
10/01/2016 - 09:00 to 14/01/2016 - 17:00
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Institute for Advanced Studies bldg.
The 23rd Jerusalem School in Life Sciences aims to focus on the ongoing synergy between Computational and Structural Biology. Participants in the School will become familiar with the principles of multiple methods such as: X-ray crystallography and Electron Microscopy of very large structures, Molecular Dynamics, Computational Protein Design, QM/MM, Structural Classification, and Biophysics. In parallel, the state-of-the-art applications of these techniques to outstanding biological problems will be presented.
This school was organised by Dr. Nir Kalisman and Dr. Julia Shifman.
Shifman julia
Kalisman Nir