EEB, Weekly seminar
Speaker: Judith Wexler, Department of EEB, HUJI
Title: Hemimetabolous insects elucidate the origin of sexual development via alternative splicing
Speaker: Judith Wexler, Department of EEB, HUJI
Title: Hemimetabolous insects elucidate the origin of sexual development via alternative splicing
Speaker: Dr. Sirpa Nummela, University of Helsinki
Title: The Mammalian Sensory Space: Co-operations and Trade-offs among senses
Speaker: Prof. Ally R. Harari, Department of Entomology, The Volcani Center
Title: Sex pheromone and information transfer
Speaker: Dr. Shawn Wilder, Oklahoma State University
Title: Trophic transfers of nutrients and their ecological consequences
Speaker: Dr. Einat Hazkani-Covo, Open University of Israel
Title: Abundance and significance of mitochondrial and plastid insertions into the nuclear genome
Speaker: Bina Perl, Ruppin Academic Centre
Title: Conservation and genetics of a living fossil frog
Speaker: Adi Livnat, Haifa University
Title: The role of sex in evolution and the nature of mutation
Speaker: Michael Kalyuzhny, EEB department of Hebrew University
Title: Bridging the gap between statics and dynamics in community ecology
Speaker: Dr. Jonathan Bohbot, Entomology department of Hebrew University
Title: Evolution and Ecological Implications of Mosquito Indolergic Receptors
Speaker: Noga Kronfeld –Schor,Zoolgy Department, Tel-Aviv University
Title: 3D: diurnality, diabetes and depression