Genetics Weekly seminar
Speaker: Dr. Nitzan Gonen, Ben-Gurion University
Title: The Battle of Sexes: Studying the Gene Regulatory Networks of Mammalian Sex Determination
Speaker: Dr. Nitzan Gonen, Ben-Gurion University
Title: The Battle of Sexes: Studying the Gene Regulatory Networks of Mammalian Sex Determination
Speaker: Dr. Yotam Drier, Faculty of Medicine, HUJI
Title: Epigenomics of human disease
Speaker: Dr. Miri Danan Gotthold, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: High-resolution single-cell atlas of early human brain development
Zoom link:
Speaker: Ruth Viner (Nissim Benvenisty's lab)
Title: Studying Genome Integrity and Neuroprotection Utilizing Genome-wide Screens in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Zoom link:
Speaker: Dr. Naama Kanarek, Boston Children’s Hospital, MA, USA
Title: Folate depletion induces erythroid differentiation
Speaker: Dr. Gilad Barshad, Cornell University
Title: Comparative Genomics in 3D: Genome organization and gene regulation through the lens of evolution
Speaker: Daniel Batyrev, Meshorer's lab, HUJI
Title: Studying Recent Human Evolutionary History Using Measured and Reconstructed DNA Methylation
Speaker: Dr. Sheera Adar, The Faculty of Medicine, HUJI
Title: Bulky DNA damages and their effect on gene expression
Speaker: Dr. Simon Yona, Faculty of Dental Medicine Hadassah
Title: Human Mononuclear Phagocyte kinetics in health and inflammation
Speaker: Dr. Kfir Sharabi, Faculty of Agriculture, HUJI
Title: The Multi modal Regulation of Liver Glucose Metabolism