Genetics Weekly seminar
Speaker: Dr. Meital Oren- Suissa, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: Elucidating the mechanisms generating sexually dimorphic neuronal connectivity
Speaker: Dr. Meital Oren- Suissa, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: Elucidating the mechanisms generating sexually dimorphic neuronal connectivity
Speaker: Prof. Verdon Taylor, University of Basel, Switzerland
Title: Modelling mechanisms of Parkinson’s disease with human pluripotent stem cells
Speaker: Prof. David Sprinzak, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel-Aviv University
Title: Precise patterning in the mammalian inner ear
Speaker: Prof. Peter Quail, Department of Plant and Microbial Biology, University of California, Berkeley
Title: Following the path of light: The phytochrome odyssey
Speaker: Prof. Katayoon (Katie) Dehesh, Institute for Integrative Genome Biology and Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California Riverside
Title: How chloroplasts regulate growth and stress responses
Speaker: Prof. Carmit Levy, Department of Human Genetics and Biochemistry Sackler School of Medicine
Title: New roles of large extracellular vesicles in melanoma immunity
Speaker: Prof. Tami Geiger, Department of molecular cell biology, Weizmann Institute
Title: Proteomic analysis of cancer heterogeneity
Speaker: Dr. Danny Ben-Zvi, Faculty of Medicine, HUJI
Title: Weight loss dependent and independent effects of weight loss surgery
Speaker: Dr. Or Shahar, MIGAL research institute
Title: Picking a brain cell by cell. Cell-type-specific protein dynamics in the nervous system