Special seminar - Prof. Steven Schiff
Speaker: Prof. Steven Schiff, Yale
Title: Neonatal Paenibacilliosis – Discovery of a highly lethal, neurotropic, environmentally driven disease of African neonates
Speaker: Prof. Steven Schiff, Yale
Title: Neonatal Paenibacilliosis – Discovery of a highly lethal, neurotropic, environmentally driven disease of African neonates
Speaker: Prof. Erez Lieberman Aiden, Baylor College of Medicine
Title: Fossils of Ancient Chromosomes
Speaker: Dr. Shay Stern, Biology Faculty, Technion
Title: TBA
Speaker: Prof. Masha Niv, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, HUJI
Title: Bitter taste GPCRs in health and disease
Speaker: Dr. Chen Lesnik, University of Haifa
Title: Keeping Oocytes Young: Mitochondrial Insights into Reproductive Longevity
Speaker: Dr. Anat Kahan, The faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment HUJI
Title: VIP neurons of the circadian pacemaker integrate light information to regulate the mammalian estrous cycle.
Speaker: Gabriela Moreno, Dr. Amir Eden's lab, HUJI
Title: Smarcb1-dependent changes in chromatin and gene expression, and their interaction with the Polycomb Repressive Complexes
Speaker: Prof. Dan Mishmar, Ben-Gurion University
Title: Mito-nuclear coregulation: coordination between an ancient symbiont and its host in health, disease and evolution
Speaker: Tamar Segal, Eran Meshorer's lab
Title: A systematic search for regulators of expression variability identifies NAP1L1 as a transcriptional stabilizer
Speaker: Dr. Daria Amiad Pavlov, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: Mechano-regulation of gene expression in striated muscle