Genetics Weekly seminar
Speaker: Dr. Moran Dvela Levitt, Bar Ilan University
Title: Targeting protein trafficking machineries to combat genetic kidney diseases
Speaker: Dr. Moran Dvela Levitt, Bar Ilan University
Title: Targeting protein trafficking machineries to combat genetic kidney diseases
Speaker: Mohammad Ghosheh, Yaakov Nahmias's lab
Title: Investigating Electro-Metabolic Coupling in Cardiac and Neural Tissues Using Advanced Microphysiological Models.
Speaker: Dr. Eran Blacher, Biological Chemistry Department, HUJI
Title: The gut as a novel front of immune activation after stroke
Speaker: Dr. Miri Adler, Genetics Department, HUJI
Title: Principles of wound healing and fibrosis: A circuit-to-target approach to reduce fibrosis
Speaker: Prof. Yuval Dor, Faculty of Medicine
Title: RNA editing deficiency: a potential path to type 1 diabetes
Speaker: Prof. Tzachi Pilpel, Weizmann Institute
Title: TBD
Speaker: Dr. Liran Shlush, Weizmann Institute
Title: The blood system aging leukemia evolution and diagnosis
Speaker: Yoav Mathov, Carmel's lab
Title: Genome-wide Paleo-Epigenetic Approach to Study Past Evolutionary Processes from Ancient DNA
Speaker: Eitan Mozes, Harel's lab
Title: TBA
Speaker: Dr. Maayan Slaton, Faculty of Medicine, HUJI
Title: The architecture of alternative splicing