נוירוביולוגיה, סמינר שבועי
Speaker: Prof. Kia Nobre, Oxford University
Title: Remembering with the benefit of foresight
Speaker: Prof. Kia Nobre, Oxford University
Title: Remembering with the benefit of foresight
Speaker: Prof. Nathaniel D. Daw, Princeton Neuroscience Institute and Department of Psychology, Princeton
Title: Approximate action evaluation: Habits and beyond
Speaker: Prof. Kalanit Grill-Spector, Department of Psychology and Stanford Neurosciences Institute, Stanford University
Title: Neural Mechanisms of the Development of High-level Visual Cortex
Speaker: Prof. Michael Greenberg, Harvard University
Title: How nature and nurture conspire to control brain development and function
Speaker: Prof. Michael Greenberg, Harvard University
Title: How nature and nurture conspire to control brain development and function
Speaker: Dr. Rafi Hadad Gonda Brain Research Center, Bar-Ilan University
Title: A novel circuit that can solve the odor identity puzzle
Speaker: Prof. Marcela Pekna, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Title: The complement system: a novel sculptor of the developing and injured brain
Speaker: Prof. Randy Blakely
Title: Presynaptic autoreceptor regulation of dopamine inactivation – Circuit dependence and disease relevance
Speaker: Dr. Lior Cohen Sagol Department of Neurobiology Haifa University
Title: The parental brain - synaptic plasticity in the auditory cortex