נוירוביולוגיה, סמינר שבועי
Speaker: Prof. Daphna Joel, Tel Aviv University
Title: Are the brains of women and men the same or different? Or is it the wrong question?
Speaker: Prof. Daphna Joel, Tel Aviv University
Title: Are the brains of women and men the same or different? Or is it the wrong question?
Speaker: Prof. Alessandro Treves, Cognitive Neuroscience
Title: Establishing shared memories from the experience of mixed populations
Speaker: Dr.Ben Engelhard, Israel Institute of Technology
Title: TBA
Speaker: Prof. Magdalena Gotz, Helmholtz Munich
Title: Novel mechanisms of neurogenesis and repair
Speaker: Prof. Peyman Golshani, UCLA
Title: Lifelong Learning, Abstraction, and Temporal Awareness
Speaker: Prof. Robert Malenka,Stanford University
Title: Serotonin and Sociability
Speaker: Dr. Ariel Gilad, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Title: HUJI
Speaker: Prof. Firas Mawase, Technion
Title: TBA
Speaker: Dr. Jonathan Aljadeff, University of California San Diego
Title: Shallow networks run deep: How peripheral preprocessing facilitates odor classification
Speaker: Dr. Talya Sadeh, Ben Gurion University
Title: How do we evaluate others’ memories? A behavioural and natural language processing study