גנטיקה, סמינר שבועי בזום
Speaker: Dr. Adi Stern, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology,Tel-Aviv University
Title: Spread of COVID-19 in Israel inferred via genome sequencing
Speaker: Dr. Adi Stern, Department of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology,Tel-Aviv University
Title: Spread of COVID-19 in Israel inferred via genome sequencing
Speaker: Dr. Schraga Schwartz Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: When the heat is on, turn up the Ac(4c)
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 822 7121 9684
Passcode: genetics
Speaker: Prof. Ruth Sperling, Dept. of Genetics, HUJI
Title: A quality control mechanism of splice site selection within the endogenous spliceosome
Speaker: Eyal Itskovits, Dept. of Genetics, HUJI
Title: Concerted stochastic and deterministic neural dynamics enables efficient chemotaxis in C. elegans
: https://huji.zoom.us/j/97414529342?pwd=aXUrVkJmREpzcUFSNzR6K1A3ZHhHQT09
Meeting ID: 974 1452 9342
Password: 487370
Speaker: Ms. Shiran Bar, Dept. of Genetics, HUJI
Title: Studying Parental Imprinting and X Inactivation Using Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Meeting ID: 972 3150 2978
Password: 039416
Speaker: Dr. Livnat Jerby, The Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
Title: Dissecting immune evasion mechanisms in cancer using single-cell technologies
Speaker: Dr. Sahar Melamed,Division of Molecular and Cellular Biology, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Title: Intricate Networks of Small RNA-Mediated Regulation Revealed by RIL-seq
Speaker: Prof. Ittai Ben-Porath ,Department of Developmental Biology and Cancer Research Faculty of Medicine The Hebrew University of Jerusal
Title: Cellular senescence - from tumor suppression to tumor promotion to therapy target
Speaker: Dr. Nadav Sharon, Harvard department of stem cell and regenerative biology
Title: The pancreatic islet – an organ from beginning to end