גנטיקה, סמינר שבועי
Speaker: Dr. Danny Ben-Zvi, Faculty of Medicine, HUJI
Title: Weight loss dependent and independent effects of weight loss surgery
Speaker: Dr. Danny Ben-Zvi, Faculty of Medicine, HUJI
Title: Weight loss dependent and independent effects of weight loss surgery
Speaker: Dr. Or Shahar, MIGAL research institute
Title: Picking a brain cell by cell. Cell-type-specific protein dynamics in the nervous system
Speaker: Reut Suliman, Prof. Sagiv Shifman's lab, HUJI (PhD talk)
Title: Exploring the molecular and developmental role of POGZ in a mouse model
Zoom link:
Speaker: Prof. Naama Barkai, Weizmann Institute
Title: Regulatory evolution by transcription-factor duplication
Speaker: Neta Herman, Genetics Department, HUJI
Title: The chromatin factor ROW cooperates with BEAF-32 in regulating long-range genes
Speaker: Shahar Shohat, HUJI
Title: Genes intolerant to mutations and their role in neurodevelopmental disorders
Speaker: Prof. Michal Lotem,Hadassah Medical Center, HUJI
Title: Modifying RNA alternative splicing as a new modality in cancer immunotherapy
Speaker: Prof. Irit Gat-Viks,TAU
Title: Dissecting complex disease with the baseline state of the human body
Speaker: Amir Bashan,Bar-Ilan University
Title: Age-related loss of gene-to-gene transcriptional coordination among single cells