גנטיקה, סמינר שבועי
Speaker: Prof. Irit Gat-Viks,TAU
Title: Dissecting complex disease with the baseline state of the human body
Speaker: Prof. Irit Gat-Viks,TAU
Title: Dissecting complex disease with the baseline state of the human body
Speaker: Amir Bashan,Bar-Ilan University
Title: Age-related loss of gene-to-gene transcriptional coordination among single cells
Speaker: Prof. Shai Carmi, EKMD
Title: Screening human IVF embryos with polygenic risk scores: what is the potential for disease risk reduction?
Speaker: Prof. Orna Amster-Choder,EKMD
Title: Membraneless Organelles and Wisdom of the Crowds: Novel Mechanisms Underlying Regulation in Bacteria
Speaker: Dr. Naomi Habib, HUJI
Title: A deep dive into the aging and Alzheimer's human brain: From single cells to cellular communities
Speaker: Prof. Rotem Sorek,Weitzman institute
Title: The immune system of bacteria – beyond CRISPR
Speaker: Prof. Yaron Shav-Tal, Bar-Ilan University
Title: Encounters of RNAs and RNA-binding proteins in the nucleus and cytoplasm of living cells
Speaker: Dr. Efrat Shema, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: Single-molecule systems to decode the epigenome for cancer and diagnostic
Speaker: Avigayel Rabin, Prof. Sebastian Kadener & Pro. Liran Carmel, HUJI
Title: circRNA annotation, quantification and evolution
Speaker: Dr. Dvir Gur, Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: From Colors to Kidney Stones: The Cellular Regulation of Crystal-Forming Cells