גנטיקה, סמינר שבועי
Speaker: Dr. Miri Adler, The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences , The Hebrew University
Title: Principles of wound healing and fibrosis: A circuit-to-target approach to reduce fibrosis
Speaker: Dr. Miri Adler, The Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences , The Hebrew University
Title: Principles of wound healing and fibrosis: A circuit-to-target approach to reduce fibrosis
Speaker: Dr. Yiska Weisblum, Faculty of Medicine, HUJI
Title: New Insights into the Multifaceted Interplay between Respiratory Viruses and Host Cells
Speaker: Noa Deshe, Prof. Zaslaver's lab, HUJI
Title: Inheritance of Associative Memories in C. elegans
Speaker: Prof. Gil Ast, Tel-Aviv University
Title: Integrating Nuclear Genome 3D Organization with Co-transcriptional Splicing
Speaker: Dr. Yoav Shaul, The Faculty of Medicine, HUJI
Title: EXT1 Links Metabolic Processes and Signaling Pathways to Regulate Cancer Cell State
Speaker: Dr. Nitzan Gonen, Ben-Gurion University
Title: The Battle of Sexes: Studying the Gene Regulatory Networks of Mammalian Sex Determination
Speaker: Dr. Yotam Drier, Faculty of Medicine, HUJI
Title: Epigenomics of human disease
Speaker: Dr. Miri Danan Gotthold, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: High-resolution single-cell atlas of early human brain development
Zoom link: https://huji.zoom.us/j/82652340053?pwd=dW9GUDY4R2EzQXNUWHZQNDhWb1I0Zz09
Speaker: Ruth Viner (Nissim Benvenisty's lab)
Title: Studying Genome Integrity and Neuroprotection Utilizing Genome-wide Screens in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Zoom link: https://huji.zoom.us/j/83274125222?pwd=R1BFMVg0QThsb3JQUHgyWmNzb2NDdz09
Speaker: Dr. Naama Kanarek, Boston Children’s Hospital, MA, USA
Title: Folate depletion induces erythroid differentiation