כימיה ביולוגית, סמינר שבועי
Speaker: Prof. Doron Gerber, Bar Ilan University
Title: Integrated microfluidic interfaced for biochemistry
Speaker: Prof. Doron Gerber, Bar Ilan University
Title: Integrated microfluidic interfaced for biochemistry
Speaker: Prof. Eitan Bibi, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: Membrane protein biogenesis: a linkage between translation of the SRP receptor and membrane associated ribosomes
Speaker: Prof. Michal Sharon, Weizmann Institute of Science
Title: Specific regulation of a protein degradation pathway
Speaker: Juana Bana, HUJI
Title: Young Biochemistry and Cell
Speaker: Prof. Nikolay Dokholyan, Penn State University
Title: Molecular Design for Research and Therapeutics
Speaker: Prof. Elisha Haas, Bar Ilan University
Title: Nature’s shortcut to protein folding
Speaker: Prof. Michael Berger, Faculty of Medicine, HUJI
Title: Mitochondrial matrix compartment energetics limits hypoxia tolerance during CD8 T cell priming
Speaker: Prof. Michael H. Hecht, Princeton University
Title: Sustaining life with genes and proteins designed from scratch (Special Seminar)
Speaker: Prof. Alex Rouvinski, School of Medicine, The Hebrew University
Title: Virus host interactions in insect-borne and insect restricted arboviruses
Speaker: Dr. Tami Geiger,Department of Human Molecular Genetics and BiochemistrySackler Faculty of Medicine,Tel Aviv University
Title: Proteomic analysis of melanoma response to immunotherapy